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Institutional Research

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Institutional Research 2017-09-13T09:19:16+00:00

Institutional Research

aanapisi-program-highline-college-19In the past, many colleges have been unable to develop specific strategies to improve academic outcomes for AA&PI populations due, in large part, to significant reductions in state educational funding over the past eight years. Equally challenging is the inability to disaggregate AA&PI students within different subpopulations (e.g., Korean vs. Vietnamese). The size and percentages of AA&PI residents and students in Highline – as well as the diversity within those communities – present significant challenges for Highline given the need to work with each of these communities somewhat differently based on their respective differences.

Grant funding provides a position (Data Analyst for Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion) who will conduct specialized data collection in order to create customized reports that disaggregates the AANAPISI program results. The data collected will provide an ongoing feedback loop for program improvement and allow for such work as customizing FYEs based on different cultures. These new developments in data collection will help the AANAPISI Advising Committee devote resources and efforts to the most prevailing issues. The increased capacity also will provide valuable feedback data on project outcomes for continuous improvement of the other components and for the evaluation.